Recursos para transportistas


Trucking is one of the most regulated industries in America. Whether you’re a firm with thousands of drivers or an owner-operator with one truck, these federal and state regulations apply to you, and you must comply with them as soon as you obtain your operating authority....

White papers

Cuando usted decide trabajar independientemente—sin importar que usted este terminando con una compañía de transporte o ha decidido empezar su propia empresa—hay un error común que muchos cometen...
Establecer un negocio puede ser un proceso difícil y requiere conocimiento de estructuras empresariales...
Impuestos. Todos tenemos que encargarnos de ellos y cuando usted es un propietario-operador, es posible que esté escuchando consejos de impuestos que suenan demasiado buenos para ser verdad...

Authority Startup Checklists

Every trucking company is unique. Our team will work with you to select the right service for you and your business. Download these helpful checklists to see how we can support your transportation business:

Compliance Services

Need assistance passing your first DOT inspection? 

Servicios de Facturación

Tired of waiting 30 days to get paid?

Permitting Services

Services can vary based on company operations and gross vehicle weight (GVW).

Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW)

Truck classification regulates safety. It is also used for commercial designation and vehicle registration. Check out these helpful flyers to get rollin’!

26,000 Pounds and Under

26,000 Pounds and Over

Helpful Links

TBS Factoring

Freight factoring, Advances, Fuel Finder, Discount Fuel Card


America’s Independent Truckers’ Assoc.


American Trucking Associations