We Set You Up for Success
When you start your own trucking business, surround yourself with experts in the field who will support and guide you throughout the process. You don’t have to embark on this new journey alone.
Every trucking company is unique. Our team will work with you to select the right service for you and your business. With over 50 years of experience, we are dedicated to helping independent trucking companies become successful.
Call TBS today to find out which of our services can best support your transportation business.
Every trucking company is unique. Our team will work with you to select the right service for you and your business. Download these helpful checklists to see how we can support your transportation business:
Compliance packages
TBS compliance packages help you navigate through ever-changing federal regulations. Successfully establish your business with help from our expert team.
Owner-Operator Compliance Package
Our owner-operating compliance package includes one driver file check list, required policies and procedures, owner-operator driver application and instructions for the FMCSA Clearing House registration.
Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Compliance Package
Our DIY package contains information on policies and procedures with clear, detailed instructions on how to process your driver files, what original required forms you need, and other vital resources you need to pass the Department of Transportation (DOT) audit.

Get started
Trucking Permits: Explained
There are many moving parts and strict federal regulations when it comes to starting your own trucking company. We offer services with no hidden charges to help you get your authority and keep you road legal.
BOC-3 & Process Agents
A BOC stands for “blanket of coverage.” A BOC-3 form gives your trucking company a legal presence in any state where you operate. The FMCSA requires that you have a process agent in every state that you travel through or do business in. Your BOC-3 form includes the names and addresses of these agents.
Form 2290
Form 2290 (Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return) is a federal excise tax that applies to vehicles operating on public highways with a net weight of 55,000 pounds or more. The taxes are used for highway construction and maintenance. The 2290 tax form runs from July 1 to June 30. Taxes are due August 31. If you purchase your vehicle after August 31, then you must pay your taxes within 60 days of purchase.
Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN)
An EIN is required, with no exceptions. It is a nine-digit number used by the IRS to identify taxpayers who are required to file business tax returns. This includes employers, corporations, partnerships, and other business entities.

Renewing Your Trucking License
Driving a commercial motor vehicle is not an easy task. With a bigger vehicle comes bigger responsibilities. In most states, you must renew your trucking license every five years.
Since you cannot have a license from more than one state, drivers must get their license from their home state. You can schedule to renew your trucking license at any testing center, or online. You’ll need to prepare to take the written test as well as the vision test. Come prepared with the required documents and paperwork.
If you need help renewing your license, call TBS. We’re happy to help.